For all the Odd Dads out there

Stephanie Mace
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2019


Daddy. Dada. Papa. Computer Daddy. Whatever you want to call them, we’re taking an opportunity to shine the spotlight on awesome fathers. Here at Oddball, we’re lucky to work with multi-talented dads and dads-to-be. These atypical dads are always willing to share a coding tip, a delicious recipe, a Spotify playlist, movie recommendations or a clever pun. Yes, that’s right. We even have a Slack channel dedicated to puns (a.k.a. dad jokes) making us chuckle on a daily basis.

One of the most liked puns on our #puns channel

Working remotely allows our Odd dads to spend more quality time with their family. So it seemed fitting to collect direct feedback from their officemates (a.k.a. their children) to get a better understanding of what makes Oddball fathers stand out.

*Please keep in mind the survey participants range from 1 year old to 14 years old.

As you can see by the responses, kids are brutally honest, observant and true admirers of our Odd dads. Happy Father’s Day!

If you would like to work with these outstanding Odd dads, please visit

